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Helth for the rest of your life

Ancient healing in Sauna

Sauna therapy is not just a visit to the sauna, but much more. Our therapist will scrub your skin, whisk you in a special way, and finally give you a light honey massage directly on the sauna stage. This is the Deepest relaxation a person can experience.


Book your time in our homepage

Blood cup therapy is an ancient health procedure in which the body is cleansed and renewed through wet cup therapy. Where, after a nice and relaxing sauna, 50-60 cups are put on your body. A small wound is made under them through which capillary blood is let out.

It is a very effective hormonal, lymphatic and circulatory booster.

80EUR per person


Lihtsad käsitööseebid valmivad meie oma köögis. Hoolega läbimõeldud koostis, et hoida tasakaalu vajaduste ja seebi parimate omaduste vahel. Meie valikust leiab nii tahkeid šampoone, habemeajamisseepe kui ka tõrvaseepi ja lihtsat ning õrna Kastiiliaseepi….

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