Hirudo treatment reminder

When coming for head hirudo treatment, the skin must be clean, and no scented shower gels should be used. Do not use ointments, creams and perfumes beforehand. Alcohol should not be consumed immediately before hirudo treatment. It is not recommended to use a blood thinner the day before and after the hirudo treatment. You should also avoid eating spicy foods and garlic as much as possible.
Hirudotherapy is a serious procedure that requires special attention and a serious attitude from the patient.
There may be swelling, fever, pain, bleeding for up to 48 hours, skin itching, skin redness, swelling in the place where the leeches were. Also, an increase in temperature, an increase or decrease in blood pressure, weakness, chills, etc. It is important to drink plenty of fluids (herbal tea, pure water).
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You can take a shower, but taking a bath and going to a (steam) sauna or swimming pool is allowed only after the bleeding has stopped completely.
Psychological and physical rest must be maintained during the course of treatment.
Leeches are for single use and must be destroyed after use.

Hirudo treatment wound care:

A leech bite wound will bleed for 24-48 hours, this is a natural phenomenon. A leech bite is sterile. After removing the initial patch, clean the wound with an antiseptic and cover the wound with a smaller patch. The places where leeches are placed should not be scratched hard to prevent infection from entering the wound. To relieve skin itching, the wound can be cleaned with a weak alcohol or saline solution, calendula tincture or Traumeel ointment.

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